Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (23 February 2019): Fiji, PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands

Pacific group aims to strengthen reporting on corruption.  A new anti-corruption regional media group which includes UNPRAC consultant on its committee, hopes to strengthen checks and balances around good governance in the Pacific by training journalists about their rights and tools for corruption reporting.



Magistrate Transfers Water Authority Cases To High Court.  The case which involved processing false payments and forged documents was initially charged by the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) and now transferred to the High Court.



Former PNG official warns Paladin scandal undermining corruption fight in Pacific.  A former Papua New Guinea official has warned the scandal revolving around Paladin, a little-known and inexperienced security firm, was handed the $423m Manus Island contract through a limited tender process with no other bidders, is undermining Australia’s efforts to stamp out corruption in the Pacific nation.

Australian government security contractor Paladin breaks silence on corruption allegations. The firm said it is seeking legal advice about media articles it said had “failed to identify any evidence to sustain the damaging allegations being made against Paladin”.



“We’re trying to avoid a corrupt election” – P.M.  Corruption and illegal practices during the election is the main reason the Government moved to amend the electoral laws to allow people in the villages to monitor the voters roll to determine the registered voters in an effort to avoid the practice of business owners running for public office and registering their employees in their constituencies to vote for them.



TSI slams ‘vote buying’ plot.  Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) is urging East Kwaio Constituency in Malaita Province to stop from the intention not to cast their votes in the 2019 national general election unless they are paid with cash, following the revelation in a publication is a wake-up call for every constituency to stop selling their votes because it is wrong to vote for candidate that will help you personally, or help your family.

Call for removal of Solomons caretaker minister of mines.  The Island Sun reports Aoke MP Langalanga Matthew Wale calling for Bradley Tovosia's removal after accusations he granted prospecting licenses to a foreign company in return overseas trips.


To know more about the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project please contact the team members:

Annika Wythes, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, UNODC,

Mihaela Stojkoska, Anti-Corruption Specialist - Pacific, UNDP,

Maria Lee, Peace & Development Administrative Assistant, UNDP/UNODC,

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