[Member Survey highlights] AP-INTACT network members feedback highlights

A warm thank you to all AP-INTACT Network members who had taken the time to provide us with your feedback through the quick survey circulated earlier.

We are happy to share with you the highlights of the responses below:

4.29/5 stars satisfaction rate


Approximately 43% say they prefer to receive our updates every day, while about 30% prefer to read them just a few times a week.  Therefore, we will keep up with the daily updates, but for maximum reach of resources and highlights, these will be in our Monday, Wednesday and Friday circulations.


Members are most interested in anti-corruption instruments, government-related news, and notable investigations including asset recovery & money laundering (preference popularity in this order).  Additional suggestions also include judicial integrity, linkages with environment and human right issues, as well as news about intergovernmental cooperation. An effort will also be made to monitor more of the developments in South Asia.


Lastly, while over 90% of the respondents are happy to continue receiving updates via emails as we do now, please remember that all members are encouraged to share stories and resources by emailing ap-intact@groups.undp.org or tagging @APINTACTNetwork on Twitter.



Warm regards,

Kamolwan Panyasevanamit (Ling)

AP-INTACT Facilitator

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