Extractive industries transparency / Viet Nam former ministers / Youth against corruption

Can transparency make extractive industries more accountable? (Opinion).  “Campaigns like Publish What You Pay and Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative have done a huge amount to gain greater transparency of revenues. Now they – and the donors who support them – can also do more help to convert information to action, support mobilisation from below, and help shape the larger political incentives that can give teeth to voice.”

John Gaventa/Institute of Development Studies: https://www.ids.ac.uk/opinions/can-transparency-make-extractive-industries-more-accountable/


Vietnam arrests former ministers for corruption.  Two former communications ministers (Truong Minh Tuan and Nguyen Bac Son) were arrested in Vietnam for mismanaging public funds over their alleged roles overseeing the purchase of a loss-making TV firm that would have cost the state millions of dollars.

The Phnom Penh Post: https://www.phnompenhpost.com/international/vietnam-arrests-former-ministers-corruption


How young people are turning the tide against corruption.  A new generation of change-makers is putting anti-corruption and accountability firmly at the centre of their understanding of global leadership across business, politics, media and civil society.

Blair Glencorse and Friday Odeh/World Economic Forum:https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/02/how-young-people-are-turning-the-tide-against-corruption/

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