Yangon new Attorney-General / Pakistan recovers 20mil / Singapore immigration bribery

Yangon Parliament Approves New Attorney General.  The Yangon Parliament unanimously approved Daw Khin Myo Kyi as the new attorney general of Yangon Region, replacing U Han Htoo, who was arrested earlier this month for allegedly taking bribes to drop a murder case.

The Irrawaddy: https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/yangon-parliament-approves-new-attorney-general.html


NAB recovers Rs2.4 billion in 11 months.  Pakistan’s National Accountability Bureau (NAB) released the report of its performance of the last 11 months from October 2017 to September 2018, which stated 72 accused persons were convicted by the respective Accountability Courts in various references of corruption filed by NAB and recovered Rs2410.250 million (approx. 20 mil USD).

Asim Yasin/The News: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/372004-nab-recovers-rs2-4-billion-in-11-months


Singapore immigration officer charged in sex bribery case.  A Singapore immigration official was charged for allegedly receiving sexual favours from Chinese women in exchange for helping them extend their visas, a rare case of corruption in a city-state known for its clean image.

AFP/The Jakarta Post: http://www.thejakartapost.com/seasia/2018/09/27/singapore-immigration-officer-charged-in-sex-bribery-case.html

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