Uniting against corruption / India land corruption / China responsibilities overseas

Uniting against corruption (Blog).  “Many member states are now in the process of localizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which acknowledges that fighting corruption is not only crucial for building peaceful, just and inclusive societies, it is also one of the conditions for accelerating progress towards the achievement of all Sustainable Development Goals.”

Anga Tamilsina/United Nations Development Programme: http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/blog/2018/uniting-against-corruption.html


Maha official gets 3 years in jail in Rs 5 lakh bribery case.  A special anti-corruption court sentenced an assistant charity commissioner to three years in jail for taking a bribe of Rs 5 lakh (approx. 68,000 USD) to pass a favourable order over a disputed piece of land.

Business Standard: https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/maha-official-gets-3-years-in-jail-in-rs-5-lakh-bribery-case-118102201275_1.html


Time for China to step up to global anti-corruption responsibilities (Blog).  “According to the information available, there have been no investigations or charges ever laid in China against its companies, citizens or residents for foreign corrupt practices.”

Gillian Dell/Transparency International: https://voices.transparency.org/time-for-china-to-step-up-to-global-anti-corruption-responsibilities-fffb80d565be


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