Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (27 October 2018): Fiji, Vanuatu, PNG, Tonga, Solomon Islands

Strong Pacific youth voice needs to be heard on integrity. Given the fact that 60 percent of Pacific people are youth, involving young people in the fight against corruption is essential, says a Solomon Islands youth representative at the 18th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC)



Bankers told to be alert: Buksh.  Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) Razim Buskh yesterday reminded bankers and lawyers at Fiji Institute of Bankers workshop of their role as money laundering gatekeepers.

Fiji political parties told to keep campaigning clean. "Political parties need to show and demonstrate that they are taking ownership of these important protections for the voter and by developing their own codes of conduct, developing their own rules of procedure around discipline."

FICAC warning. The Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) has warned the public, political parties and their candidates that they will come down hard on anyone found to have breached any campaign rules under the Electoral Act.



Vanuatu judge sees more accountability in public office. A Vanuatu judge says as a result of recent court rulings, public office holders are learning that they must be accountable.

MPs' convictions set a standard in Vanuatu. A Vanuatu judge says as a result of recent court rulings, public office holders are learning that they must be accountable.



Loggers in PNG accused of tax evasion. Papua New Guinea's civil society organisations say the logging industry is robbing the country of hundreds of millions of kina every year.

How China Can Help Save Papua New Guinea’s Forests. The PNG forest sector has long been marked by corruption and illegality, making the timber we produce considered “high risk” by independent international groups that monitor this.



Two more charged over Tonga's Lavulavu fraud case. Two more people have been charged in the fraud case against a former Tongan minister of Internal Affairs 'Akosita Lavulavu, and her husband, also a former cabinet minister, 'Etuate Lavulavu.



MASI aims to develop regional journalism with USP boost. Kadaman, a senior journalist with the Solomon Star daily newspaper, says past collaboration with USP Journalism has been successful, including a recent week-long training on anti-corruption reporting in the Solomon Islands.

China’s Timber Demand Is Destroying Forests in South Pacific Countries. Global Witness’s investigation concluded that there’s a significant amount of illegal logging happening in the Solomons. Some logging companies cut down trees outside of their allocated areas, while others take protected or vulnerable tree species that are protected under UN conventions.

MMF: Stop becoming dependent.  Mr. Housanau said the influx of Bangladesh coming in and other foreigners enjoying themselves doing all kind of businesses in the country are just simple indicators.  He said corruption at the highest level is also a contributing factor which affects all sectors of life including access to basic infrastructures.

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