[ap-intact] STUDY OPPORTUNITY: 13th Postgraduate Certificate in Corruption Studies (Hong Kong)

[Facilitator’s note: Contributed with thanks by Mr. Tony Kwok, Honorary Course Director and Adjunct Professor, HKU SPACE.]

The Hong Kong University School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE) is pleased to announce that “The 13th Postgraduate Certificate in Corruption Studies” programme, to take place in Hong Kong from 3 to 26 November, 2015, is now open for application. The deadline for application is 31 August 2015.

Since its first launch in 2003, a total of 304 participants from 41 countries, representing 82 anti-corruption related agencies and international organizations, have been awarded the Postgraduate Certificates. Based on the Hong Kong and international successful models, this 3-week intensive course is developed to provide the much needed professional capacity building for all practitioners in anti corruption and law enforcement agencies, justice departments and regulatory bodies.

Expected learning outcomes after attending this course:

  • The participant's individual project should provide a comprehensive anti corruption strategy and action plan for the country/organization
  • The participants' integrated group projects on comparative studies would provide a better understanding and sharing of best practices in different countries
  • The participant should acquire professional skill in corruption investigation
  • The participant should acquire professional skill in corruption prevention and risk management
  • The participant should have a better understanding of code of ethics, conflict of interest and the way to promote institutional integrity
  • The participants would have excellent opportunities for networking with participants from other overseas anti corruption agencies and the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), Hong Kong.

For further details, please see

If you have any enquiries or would like us to reserve places, kindly contact Miss Carmen Chan at carmen.chan@hkuspace.hku.hk.

Welcome to Hong Kong

Tony Kwok, SBS, IDS
Adjunct Professor & Hon Course Director
Welcome to my homepage: www.kwok-manwai.com 

[Additional Facilitator’s note: AP-INTACT shares this information strictly as a service to members. To know more, you may click on the link above or email the contact persons mentioned. We ask that you NOT SEND your query or application to AP-INTACT. AP-INTACT is not responsible for the accuracy of the posted information and is not involved in the registration and programme practices/decisions of the sponsoring organisation.]

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