[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: 'Let KPK Take Its Lawful Place in Corruption Battle'

“There is no question that [Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)] is under siege. In its current parlous circumstances, it has taken a back seat in the investigation and prosecution of new graft cases, creating a void which both the police and the Attorney General’s Office appear only too glad to fill. This must be so conspicuous that lawmaker Ruhut Sitompul of the Democratic Party recently congratulated both the police and the Attorney General’s Office for having ‘surpassed the KPK in the battle against corruption’.”

Read the op-ed by Johannes Nugroho, in Jakarta Globe. http://thejakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/opinion/johannes-nugroho-let-kpk-take-lawful-place-corruption-battle/

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