[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: Scorpions with Wax Wings -- How Anticorruption Agencies Can Avoid Flying Too Close to the Sun

“Public rhetoric about the battle against corruption often centers on the need for “zero tolerance”–the need for institutions, including perhaps most importantly law enforcement agencies–to aggressively root out graft through vigorous prosecution, no matter the circumstances.  What more often goes unsaid, though, is that actually following such strategies may end up being counterproductive.  The aggressive pursuit of corruption-busting litigation can lead to political elites pulling the rug out from underneath the anticorruption agency (ACA).  In South Africa, for example, the National Assembly dissolved the Scorpions, a special investigative unit, once it began going after high-ranking government officials.”

Read the post by Katie King, in the Global Anticorruption Blog. http://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2015/06/12/scorpions-with-wax-wings-how-anticorruption-agencies-can-avoid-flying-too-close-to-the-sun/

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