[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: The Jakarta Statement on Principles for Anti-Corruption Agencies -- A Critique

“As an operational document and guide to institutional design, I have to say I found the Jakarta Statement to be mostly unhelpful and/or simplistic. I want to be cautious in how I phrase this, because I am sympathetic to and respectful of the motivation behind the Jakarta Statement, and I don’t have enough of a sense of the nuances of international politics and norm diffusion to be able to evaluate its actual impact on the world. But taking it on its own terms as a set of institutional principles and guidelines, I was disappointed. I think the international community can and should do better when outlining the basic principles and objectives for ACAs. In the spirit of playing Devil’s Advocate, in the hopes of stimulating some critical debate on this critical issue, let me lay out my critique of the Jakarta Statement as it currently stands.”

Read the full post by Matthew Stephenson, in the Global Anticorruption Blog.  http://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2015/06/23/the-jakarta-statement-on-principles-for-anti-corruption-agencies-a-critique/

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