Viet Nam anti-corruption law / Moody's Malaysia rating / Pakistan case deadline

Extending anti-corruption fight to private sector enables fair business environment.  Some of the highlights of the revised law include attempts to curb conflicts of interests by banning those in management positions from signing contracts with businesses run by their relatives or assigning relatives or friends to accounting and treasury posts, as well as stopping former officials from establishing or running a company in the sector they had worked in.

Viet Nam News:


Moody’s: Malaysia to face serious hurdles in curbing graft.  Putrajaya will face serious hurdles to reign in “pervasive” corruption that is already causing credit constraints and undermining government effectiveness, Moody’s said as it affirmed the country’s domestic and foreign debt ratings at A3.

Syed Jaymal Zahiid/Malay Mail:


Pindi anti-corruption watchdog sets 60-day inquiry deadline.  To speed up the process of corruption investigations, Pakistan’s Rawalpindi Anti-Corruption Department has set a 60-day deadline to complete inquiries into cases, to go into effect from the new year.

The Express Tribune:

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