SPECIAL REPORT: A Round-Up of Events in Asia-Pacific Marking the Int'l Anti-Corruption Day 2018

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It takes two to tango: building the case for business integrity effectiveness (Blog).  “While traditionally the onus to combat corruption has been placed upon government by its people, we need concerted efforts from not only the public sector, but also from private companies, civil society, media and the people.”

Irakli Kotetishvili, Elodie Beth and Kamolwan Panyasevanamit/UNDP: http://www.asia-pacific.undp.org/content/rbap/en/home/presscenter/articles/2018/it-takes-two-to-tango--building-the-case-for-business-integrity-0.html


International Anti-Corruption Day Marked in Afghanistan.  The occasion was marked by the UN and the government of Afghanistan at the presidential palace in Kabul. The event was opened by Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani and Tadamichi Yamamoto (the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan and head of UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan) and the ambassadors to Afghanistan of the US and the UK.

UNDP in Afghanistan: http://www.af.undp.org/content/afghanistan/en/home/presscenter/articles/2018/Anti-CorruptionDay.html

Educational, Judicial Institutions ‘Most Corrupt’ : IWA Survey.  The Integrity Watch Afghanistan (IWA) survey shows that Afghanistan’s legal, judicial and educational institutions remain the "most corrupt" among government institutions, but President Ashraf Ghani in his speech to a gathering in Kabul, marking International Anti-Corruption Day, highlighted the government’s anti-corruption campaign and expressed satisfaction with the performance of the Afghan legal and judicial institutions towards combating the trend.

Tolo News: https://www.tolonews.com/index.php/afghanistan/educational-judicial-institutions-%E2%80%98most-corrupt%E2%80%99-iwa-survey    


Is 'anti-corruption' only rhetoric or also a reality? (Opinion).  “If IACD has to be anything real, and more than rhetoric, both the demand and supply side, the people on the one hand and the government and institutions like Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) mandated to control corruption on the other, must uphold the spirit of the day beyond December 9—365 days a year.”

Iftekharuzzaman/The Daily Star: https://www.thedailystar.net/opinion/governance/news/anti-corruption-only-rhetoric-or-also-reality-1670917

Int’l Anti-Corruption Day observed.  To mark the day the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC), Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) and some other bodies arranged various programmes including discussion, human-chain, mass signature, poster and cartoon exhibitions.

United News of Bangladesh: https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/intl-anti-corruption-day-observed/8099

Your ‘No’ Counts.  Awards distribution and opening ceremony of 13th anti-corruption cartoon and 4th anti-corruption photo competition was organized by Transparency International Bangladesh in celebration of the International Anti-Corruption Day.

Ahmed Hasam Rabbi/Dhaka Tribune: https://www.dhakatribune.com/magazine/weekend-tribune/2018/12/13/your-no-counts


Anti-Corruption day observed in Gelephu.  The resident coordinator of United Nations (UN), Gerald Daly, who attended the event in the Bhutanese town spelt out three key messages to the people of Gelephu – preserve honesty that is deep in our culture, the importance of ‘Sem-dha No-Sam Thing-go’ and keep investing today in anti-corruption so we can keep harvesting tomorrow.

Nirmala Pokhrel/Kuensel: http://www.kuenselonline.com/anti-corruption-day-observed-in-gelephu/


China hosts reception to observe International Anti-Corruption Day.  Yang Xiaodu, deputy secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) and head of the National Supervisory Commission, called for upholding the authority of the United Nations and the principal role of the U.N. Convention against Corruption in global anti-corruption cooperation at a reception to observe the 15th International Anti-Corruption Day.

Yang Yi/Xinhua: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-12/06/c_137655771.htm


Corruption distorts development: Catanasiga.  Corruption disrupts development because it distorts the distribution of resources and development opportunities, eroded public trust in institutions, in the rule of law and undermined the investment climate, according to Fiji Council of Social Services executive director Vani Catanasiga while speaking at the International Anti-Corruption Day panel discussion.

Jessica Savike/The Fiji Times: https://www.fijitimes.com/corruption-distorts-development-catanasiga/


Reflections on the Indonesian anti-corruption effort (Opinion).  “To achieve its goal of eradicating corruption, the Indonesian government must expedite revision of the Eradication of Acts of Corruption Law by incorporating the complete provisions of the UNCAC.”

Ahmad Novindri Aji Sukma/Asia Times: http://www.atimes.com/reflections-on-the-indonesian-anti-corruption-effort/

World Anti-Corruption Day: KPK: the Budget Formulation is One Sources of Corruption Action.   In the momentum of the "World Anti-Corruption Day", Deputy Chair of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Laode Muh. Syarif, affirmed that the moment of budget formulation in The House of Representatives is one sources of corruption action.

Times Indonesia: https://www.timesindonesia.co.id/read/192323/20181209/160300/world-anticorruption-day-kpk-the-budget-formulation-is-one-sources-of-corruption-action/


Laos govt awareness raising focus marks International Anti-Corruption Day.  The government has been focusing on awareness raising among officials and students as it marks the 15th anniversary of International Anti-Corruption Day with a ceremony attended by Vice Chairman of the State Inspection and Anti-Corruption Authority, Mr Sinay Mienglavanh, Representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Laos, Mr Erlend Falch, along with other officials, lecturers and students.

Vientiane Times: http://www.vientianetimes.org.la/freeContent/FreeConten_Govt_awareness_288.php


International Anti-Corruption Day celebrated nationwide.  The Premier Walk-About programme in conjunction with the 2018 International Anti-Corruption Day (HARA 2018) is celebrated simultaneously throughout the country to raise public awareness on the dangers of corrupt practices under the theme ‘United Against Corruption’; the celebration was jointly organised by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) together with the Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M), the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Foundation, the Malaysian Youth Council and the Corporate Research and Investigations Group.

The Sun Daily: https://www.thesundaily.my/local/international-anti-corruption-day-celebrated-nationwide-FE237272

Malaysia lost RM47b in GDP value to corruption last year, says DPM.  “Imagine if the most vulnerable of our society — our women, children, the poor — did not have to rely on bribes and ‘knowing the right people’ to get services they need,” Dr. Wan Azizah, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia said in her keynote address at the United Against Corruption: Anchoring Anti-Corruption in Good Governance forum, organized in collaboration with UNDP in Malaysia.

Malay Mail: https://www.malaymail.com/s/1703796/malaysia-lost-rm47b-in-gdp-value-to-corruption-last-year-says-dpm


A corruption-free Maldives will attract more foreign investors: President Solih.  While marking the International Anti-Corruption Day, President President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih said if the Maldives succeeds in efforts to become corrupt-free, it will attract more foreign investors to the country; he emphasized on the Maldives low score on the recent corruption perception index and urging everyone to aim towards abstaining from the culture of corruption.

Maldives Times: https://maldivestimes.com/a-corruption-free-maldives-will-attract-more-foreign-investors-president-solih/


Gov’t Departments to Have Their Own Corruption Prevention Units.  As part of events to mark International Anti-Corruption Day in Yangon, President U Win Myint issued a statement announcing that he had approved the setting up of Corruption Prevention Units (CPUs) by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), which is a component of the Public-Private Collaboration against Corruption plan, a key part of the ACC’s 2018-2021 strategy.

San Yamin Aung/The Irrawaddy: https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/govt-departments-corruption-prevention-units.html

International Anti-corruption Day commemorated in Yangon.  At the event jointly facilitated by Myanmar Anti-Corruption Commission of Myanmar (MACC), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), MACC Chairman U Aung Kyi there is a need to exercise caution because in today’s technologically advanced digital age, the click of a button can move large sums of money and one incident in the country can be easily spread to the international community.

The Global New Light of Myanmar: http://www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com/international-anti-corruption-day-commemorated-in-yangon/


Govt committed to curb corruption: PM.  Addressing a special function co-organised by the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Minister and the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority in Kathmandu on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day, said, “If all responsible persons holding public post carry out their functions, duties and powers in an accountable manner by maintaining self-discipline, the fight against corruption can lead to a success. Effective implementation of the existing policy and legal frameworks against corruption will open the door to prosperity.”

The Himalayan Times: https://thehimalayantimes.com/kathmandu/govt-committed-to-curb-corruption-pm/


NAB annual report reveals mega corruption scandals.  National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Lahore issued its performance report for 2018 on the International Anti-Corruption Day, revealing it had recovered up to Rs1.991 billion (approx. US$14 mil) during the current year.

The Express Tribune: https://tribune.com.pk/story/1863286/1-nab-annual-report-reveals-mega-corruption-scandals/

The corrupt committed treason with nation: Buzdar.  Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has said in his message on the International Anti-Corruption Day that corruption has badly damaged the roots of Pakistan besides spreading disappointment and unrest in the country; it is a social injustice and corrupt people deprived the people of their rights and committed treason with the nation.

The News: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/403580-the-corrupt-committed-treason-with-nation-buzdar

State Bank will issue Rs50 International Anti-Corruption Day commemorative coin.  State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) was authorized by the Federal Government to issue Rs50 International Anti-Corruption Day commemorative coin from December 10, 2018.

Customs News: https://customnews.pk/2018/12/08/state-bank-will-issue-rs50-international-anti-corruption-day-commemorative-coin/

President Alvi urges citizens to play their part in fight against corruption.  President Arif Alvi in a message on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day on Sunday called upon all citizens to contribute towards eliminating corruption and paving the way for economic growth and prosperity.

Dawn: https://www.dawn.com/news/1450408

NAB arranges seminar at KP Governor’s House to mark International Anti-Corruption Day.  Governor Shah Farman's refusal to accept Rs130 million as his discretionary funds, and that too unaudited, apparently prompted the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to celebrate the International Anti-Corruption Day at the Governor's House where its regional chief said that corruption has penetrated into the educational institutions, including universities.

Mushtaq Yusufzai/The News: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/404316-nab-arranges-seminar-at-kp-governor-s-house-to-mark-international-anti-corruption-day


Agencies meet to discuss anti-corruption initiatives.  To mark the International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9, government departments, led by the Department of Finance, Ombudsman Commission, private sector, the media, NGOs and development partners have gathered to share initiatives such as ‘Phones Against Corruption’ and others, in addressing corruption in the country. 

UNDP in Papua New Guinea: http://www.pg.undp.org/content/papua_new_guinea/en/home/presscenter/pressreleases/2018/12/11/agencies-meet-to-discuss-anti-corruption-initiatives-.html


Former COA chief: Corruption a moral issue.  Speaking at a forum on corruption organized recently by the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ), former audit chief Grade Pulido-Tan said corruption has been prevalent even under previous administrations but merely swept under the rug by erring officials and ignored by an apathetic public.

Cecille Suerte Felipe and Marc Jayson Cayabyab/The Philippines Star: https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2018/12/09/1875445/former-coa-chief-corruption-moral-issue

ADB Anticorruption Day Event Focuses On Education, Environmental Management (Press release).  The Asian Development Bank (ADB) marked International Anticorruption Day in its 8th annual event in ADB headquarters with calls for ongoing efforts to fight corruption and improve governance, particularly in education and environmental management, two critical areas for securing a bright future for Asia and the Pacific.

Asian Development Bank: https://www.adb.org/news/adb-anticorruption-day-event-focuses-education-environmental-management 


Anti-Corruption act officially launched.  The government in collaboration with civil society groups and donor partners officially launched the much anticipated Anti-Corruption Act 2018 and the ‘Whistleblowers Protection Act 2018’ in Honiara on International Anti-Corruption Day.

Lowen Sei/SIBC: http://www.sibconline.com.sb/anti-corruption-act-officially-launched/

PM reaffirms war on corruption. Prime Minister Rick Hou called on the nation to stand together to fight and eradicate corruption.

Andrew Fanasia/Solomon Star News: http://www.solomonstarnews.com/index.php/news/national/item/21163-pm-reaffirms-war-on-corruption  


Prayut declares zero-graft tolerance.  The Thai Prime Minister, Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha at the International Anti-Corruption Day celebration said tackling corruption in Thailand was a challenge as corrupt practices took all shapes and forms -- be it position buying, irregularities in procurement or exploiting legal loopholes for personal gain.

Bangkok Post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/1589854/?src=ilaw


Tonga observed International Anti-Corruption Day 2018.  The Ombudsman, ‘Aisea Taumoepeau, SC and his staff observed the United Nations International Anti-corruption Day on Sunday, 9th December, together with members of the FWC of Fasimoeafi ‘a Tungi.

Tonga Broadcasting Commission: http://www.tonga-broadcasting.net/?p=


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