Taiwan money laundering / Malaysian civil servants / Philippines citizen jounalists

Change to money laundering controls passes Taiwan legislature.  An amendment to the Money Laundering Control Act was passed by the Legislative Yuan, widening the scope of professions required to report any suspicious financial transaction by their clients to the authorities.

Taipei Times: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2016/12/12/2003661066

Only 0.01% of civil servants lodged reports on graft, says Malaysian anti-corruption agency.  Only 162 out of 1.6 million civil servants have lodged reports on corruption with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

Melati A. Jalil/The Malay Mail Online: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/only-0.01-pc-of-civil-servants-lodged-reports-on-graft-says-macc

Citizen journalists and advocates bring technology to Philippine communities.  Technology and social media can change a person's life and his community.

David Lozada/Rappler: http://www.rappler.com/move-ph/155066-citizen-journalists-advocates-bring-technology-communities-philippines

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