Practical knowledge products from UNDP Seoul Policy Centre

UNDP Seoul Policy Centre for Global Development Partnerships (USPC) presents two practical knowledge products that share innovative policy tools and experiences of the Republic of Korea.

1. Resource Book & Video Presentation sharing Seoul’s Clean Construction System

Together with the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) in the Republic of Korea, the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre produced a Resource Book for Practitioners, combined with a three-part Video Presentation, which details Seoul’s Clean Construction System.

The system won the prestigious UN Public Service award in 2013, in recognition of its innovation and potential for application in other countries. Together with Seoul, USPC shared this system in December 2015 with more than 70 participants from 20 countries, and is now providing follow-up advisory and technical support to countries such as Ukraine, Jordan, Uganda, Vietnam, and Thailand for county-level application of this system and lessons learnt.

The publication and accompanying video presentation share how Seoul’s Clean Construction System (CCS) has increased efficiency, accountability and transparency of Seoul’s public construction management, through full digitalization of its business process and real-time public disclosure of information on its construction projects.

The publication is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Thai, Ukrainian,  Arabic, and Russian (forthcoming).

Part 1 of the video presentation (20 minutes) summarizes the key contents of the Clean Construction System as well as key policy lessons, while Parts 2 and 3 provide further details from the Resource Book.

The resource book and accompanying video presentation can be viewed here:

2. Introduction to Korea’s Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment

This publication presents the Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment (AIA) tool of the Republic of Korea's Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission (ACRC). AIA combines qualitative and quantitative assessment with a systematic scoring system through a regularized process, and serves to evaluate how participating organizations have followed-up on ACRC’s anti-corruption guidelines to introduce various institutional mechanisms to prevent corruption. Every year, all scores are publicized and organizations are ranked. In this way, AIA becomes a motivational tool for the heads of public institutions to put in place and improve institutional measures for preventing corruption.

As a practical tool, this publication details the actual assessment methodology including ACRC’s assessment indicators and templates. The publication is currently available in English. Spanish, Arabic, and Russian versions are forthcoming (end of January 2017).

The publication can be downloaded here:

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