China military oversight / Thailand constitution / 2016 anti-corruption

China tightens financial oversight on military after scandals.  China's military will tighten financial oversight with revised auditing rules coming into effect from Jan. 1, meaning all the armed force's financial dealings will have to be audited, the Defence Ministry said after several scandals.

Thomson Reuters Foundation:

Constitution Drafter Pushes for Executing Corrupt Thai Politicians.  One of the drafters of Thailand’s new constitution made the case that it was written to support sentencing corrupt politicians to death.

Asaree Thaitrakulpanich/Khaosod:

2016 Anti-Corruption Review: What Happened? As 2016 comes to an end, London’s Financial and Forensic Investigations practice revisits the major anti-corruption stories of the year and identifies some of the lessons that can be learned from these.

JD Supra:

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