17th International Anti-Corruption Conference, Panama City

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The 17th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) takes place in Panama City from 1 to 4 December 2016 under the theme, "Time for Justice - Equity, Security, Trust."

The conference will engage an estimated 1,300 experts, practitioners, and members from international organisations, government, and the private sector from all around the world in open and frank conversations and turn the pledge of zero tolerance for grand corruption into concrete actions, and to support all those who take a stand against the corrupt.

Among the sessions are --

Anti-corruption and the Open Government Partnership: Opportunities Ahead. The Open Government Partnership set out an ambitious agenda in its initial Open Government Declaration that included countries adopting “robust anti-corruption policies, mechanisms and practices”. Anti-corruption within OGP commitments, largely tagged as public integrity measures, were not only meant to support transparency and participation in government, but also to help translate them into improving people’s lives.

SDGs, Anti-corruption and Equity: Leave No-one Behind to Deliver on the SDGs This interactive session will present ideas for tracking national progress on corruption across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will draw on good practice experience for designing anti-corruption policies and indicators that have been used in a variety of country contexts and by different sectors (health, education and climate). The session will discuss practical mechanisms for how to deliver on SDG 3 (health and well-being), SDG 4 (quality education) and SDG 13 (climate action) by bringing corruption-related policies and indicators into the other goals at the national level. The overall objective is to ensure that the SDGs are implemented with equity and that no one is ‘left behind’ in all countries – from Australia to Zambia.

The Proxy Challenge  The Proxy Challenge Competition was launched in 2013 to help aid-donors better assess the results of their support to anti-corruption reforms. Unless we can find reasonably reliable ways to measure reform effects on corruption, it will be increasingly difficult to motivate continued support to anti-corruption reforms. The demands for donor effectiveness and value for money keep the pressure high on improving the measurement of anti-corruption reform effects.

New Standards of Equity and Accountability: Bringing Sextortion and Gender into the Anti-Corruption Discourse and Response  Anti-corruption efforts generally fail to take into account the differential impact corruption has on women. Whether seeking access to basic government services, interacting with police or the justice system, or trying to obtain credit, a job, land, an education, or healthcare, women often confront demands for a monetary bribe and, if they cannot afford it, may be pressured to pay with their bodies – something the IAWJ has named “sextortion.” Ignorance of their rights, mistrust of the justice system, fear of stigma and retaliation, inadequate protection for whistleblowers, and the lack of safe and gender-sensitive reporting mechanisms, all contribute to a culture of silence that allows this corruption to flourish.

Prosecuting Corruption and Recovering Stolen Assets  Asset recovery has emerged as a major global concern. The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) emphasizes asset recovery as one of its primary principles, which all member states should strive to support. Repatriation of stolen assets can also have a significant development impact. It is also included in the main target of the SDGs' Goal 16, which attempts to significantly reduce illicit financial flows and strengthen the recovery of stolen assets by 2030.

Robbing the Poor: How to Stop Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries  The continuous worldwide increase in cross-border illicit financial flows (IFFs) is extremely alarming. The urgency to take action has been re-emphasised by the revelations of the Panama Papers as well as the Bahama leaks. The movement of IFFs, whether related to corruption, tax evasion, terrorism or organized crime, concerns – and harms – both, developing and developed countries alike. However, the effects of IFFs are especially devastating for the developing world. International NGOs estimate that 1 trillion US$ illegally flows out of developing and emerging economies per year. The most immediate impact of IFFs is a reduction in domestically available expenditure and investment, resulting in nothing less but fewer hospitals, schools, and roads. The unhindered movement of illicit financial flows is a driver of crime, corruption and tax evasion. It aggravates injustice and impunity and leads to instability and poverty.

Integrity Pioneers and Community Solutions to Combating Judicial Corruption  The session aims to encourage dialogue among key stakeholders (judiciaries, civil society and development partners) on the role of judicial officials in fighting grand corruption and ultimately sanctioning the corrupt. It closely addresses the track “Time for Justice” by providing concrete tools and participative ways of identifying advocacy targets to promote judicial integrity, as well as through a reflection on judicial integrity and more generally the role of judicial officials in punishing corrupt elites. In doing so, the workshop brings valuable, context-applied solutions to strengthen the judiciary and supports capacity building.

The 17th IACC is hosted by the Panamanian Government represented by the Autoridad Nacional de Transparencia y Acceso a la Informacion (the Panamanian National Authority of Transparency and Access to Information) and organised by the IACC Council and Transparency International, with the participation of the FundaciĆ³n para el Desarrollo de la Libertad Ciudadana (Transparency International Panama).

The IACC is considered the world’s premier global forum for bringing together heads of state, civil society, the private sector and more to tackle the increasingly sophisticated challenges posed by corruption. Established in 1983, the IACC takes place usually every two years in a different region of the world, and hosts from 800 to 2000 participants from over 135 countries worldwide.

For general information about the 17thIACC, visit http://iaccseries.org/

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