Timor-Leste Parliament elects former judge to head anti-corruption agency

DILI --- Timor-Leste's Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) is pleased to announce that the National Parliament has elected Adérito António Pinto Tilman as its next Commissioner.

Mr. Adérito Tilman was elected 44 votes in favour, the required absolute majority, by the National Parliament on Tuesday (15 July 2014) afternoon, for a four-year term.

As it heads into its second mandate (2014-2017), CAC is focused on raising and strengthening public awareness in order to build ethical integrity and professionalism in the public service and community.

In addition, we will also continue to raise the organizational capacity of CAC by increasing our technical specialization in investigation and prevention. We are also committed to working in good faith with Prosecutor General’s Office, other government and civil society partners and the media to develop efficient working relationships.

As a former judge and prosecutor, Mr. Tilman is the ideal person to take the Commission forward to meet these strategic goals and continue its important fight against corruption.

Mr. Tilman was born on 9 December 1973 in Bobonaro. He graduated with a law degree from the Diponegoro (UNDIP) State University in Semarang, Indonesia, in 1999.

In 2000, he was appointed by former United Nations Transitional Administration In East Timor(UNTAET) Administrator, the late Sergio Vieira de Mello, as a judge of the Dili District Court, serving for nearly six years. Following this, in 2006-2011, he was appointed as the Chief Prosecutor for the Dili District, before relocating to the Baucau District to serve in the same role. While working in Dili, Mr Tilman lectured in law at the Dili University (UNDIL) and Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ), and acted as a member of the Board of Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste(PNTL) Assessment.

He also completed training in 2004 as a judicial magistrate at the Judiciary Training Centre in Lisbon, Portugal, and in 2005 carried out further judiciary training in Dili.

Mr. Tilman has participated in many overseas conferences on topics relevant to CAC’s core work – including money laundering, financial criminal investigative methods, criminal corruption and public procurement.

Mr. Tilman was sworn in to his new role late on Tuesday afternoon by the President of National Parliament, Mr. Vicenti Guterres. A decision on Mr Tilman’s deputy commissioners will be forthcoming.

CAC senior management will be meeting with its new Commissioner over the next few days to brief him on CAC’s activities and immediate priorities.
CAC staff once again thanks former commissioner Adérito de Jesus Soares for his leadership through its first mandate, and wishes him all the best as he continues his PhD studies at the Australia National University in Canberra. (*)

For more information, please contact:
Comissão Anti-Corrupção Timor-Leste

This CAC press release can also be found at http://cac.tl/2014/07/parliament-elects-aderito-tilman-as-next-cac-commissioner/.

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