COMMENTARY: Philippine high court "may have overreached itself"

The Philippine Supreme Court recently ruled that some aspects of President Benigno Aquino's Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) was unconstitutional, reasoning that it sidestepped the country's General Appropriations Act (GAA). Solita Collas-Monsod, a leading economist in the Philippines and former director-general of the National Economic Development Authority, says the DAP -- misrepresented as a pork barrel scheme by some political groups -- "was an attempt to make the budget process more flexible, allowing for innovation in the delivery of public services". Prof. Collas-Monsod continues:

"In trying to tie the hands of a too-powerful executive (not only President Aquino), the high court may have overreached itself when it pronounced that all items in the DAP had no appropriations cover (that absolute). This, after the [Department of Budget and Management (DBM)] had submitted the list of projects undertaken by DAP and pointed out where they fell under the GAA. In other words, the Court  thought it knew better than the practitioners in the budgeting field, and in effect said the DBM was lying. Since when did Supreme Court justices become budget experts?"

Read the full op-ed by Solita Collas-Monsod in Philippine Daily Inquirer.

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