Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (11 July 2014) - PNG, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Fiji

[Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Tony Prescott, Annika Wythes, Isikeli Valemei, Luisa Senibulu, and Samita Singh of the joint UNDP-UNODC Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project for sharing these updates.]

PNG's Taskforce Sweep reinstated. Papua New Guinea's leading anti-corruption unit has been re-instated by a court after it was disbanded by the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill last month.'s-taskforce-sweep-reinstated

Solomon Islands: Hou hails fraud conviction. The Minister of Finance and Treasury, Rick Hou has commended all parties involved on the recent court decision to convict and sentence Wesley Poloso of the fake shipping company “Joke Shipping”.

Samoa: Ombudsman launches second police investigation. Ombudsman Maiava Iulai Toma has launched an investigation into Police Commissioner Lilomaiava Fou Taioalo and his Assistant Commissioner Sala Seaga Uili.

Samoa hoping to move off money laundering list. The Samoan Government says it will ask to be removed from a list of countries known for money laundering and weak anti-terror laws.

Fiji: $90k drug bust. Four suspects are in custody and two are on the run following a series of police raid of marijuana farms in Macuata in a span of two days. The raid also resulted in police seizing $90,000 worth of marijuana.

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