Indonesia's evaluation of its online forest permit system - an update

As part of the follow-up to the recommendations developed through its Participatory Governance Assessments (PGA), with the goal to identify and mitigate inefficiencies and corrupt practices in the process of applying for and obtaining forest permits, Indonesia is undertaking, with UN-REDD targeted support, an evaluation of its online forest permit system.

Interviews, based on a questionnaire agreed upon by the Ministry of Forestry, all members of the PGA Expert Panel and the Presidential Working Unit for Supervision and Management of Development (UKP4), are targetting both the supply side (40 people in all units within the Ministry of Foresty) and the demand side (over 127 individuals or companies who have previously applied for permits).

In East Kalimantan, a focus group discussion was also organized with representatives of the private sector to discuss the systems challenges, shortcomings and proposals to solve them. The evaluation report is expected in October 2014.

For more information, please contact Estelle Fach, Programme Specialist, Governance and Accountability (REDD+), UNDP.

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