Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity – Integrity Commissioner End of Term

[Facilitator's note: Thank you to Tony Prescott, Annika Wythes, Isikeli Valemei, Luisa Senibulu, and Samita Singh of the joint UNDP-UNODC Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project, for sharing this media release.]

21 July 2014

Today, I congratulate Mr Philip Moss as we farewell him from his post as Integrity Commissioner, and head of the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI).

Mr Moss has served the Australian Government's law enforcement and integrity communities with distinction since July 2007, when he was appointed the inaugural Integrity Commissioner. His term as Integrity Commissioner ends tomorrow, 22 July 2014.

As Integrity Commissioner, Mr Moss has provided invaluable leadership in the fight against corruption. He has led a number of significant anti-corruption investigations, including Operation Heritage, which concerned corrupt conduct at Sydney International Airport. These investigations have resulted in strengthened anti-corruption arrangements in Australia’s law enforcement and border environments, and have been central to maintaining the integrity of Australian law enforcement agencies.

During his seven-year term, Mr Moss also oversaw the rapid growth of ACLEI’s responsibilities, with the expansion of ACLEI’s jurisdiction from two law enforcement agencies in 2007 to six in 2013.

I thank Mr Moss for his considerable contribution and service. Due to his efforts, the Commonwealth now has a well-established and effective law enforcement anti-corruption agency.

I am also pleased to announce that Mr Robert Cornall AO has agreed to act in this important role until a permanent appointment is made.

Mr Cornall was the Secretary of the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department from 2000 to 2008. He has since conducted a number of important inquiries for the Australian Government and has acted as Integrity Commissioner on several previous occasions. Mr Cornall brings substantial and relevant experience to this crucial role within the Australian Government's integrity framework.

The Hon Michael Keenan MP

Minister for Justice

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