The Ethical Alliance Daily - 21 June 2014

The Ethical AllianceDaily - 21 June 2014

Spain: Grifols discloses probes in multiple countries

Romania: Romanian president’s brother held for alleged corruption

United States: Ex-Bexar judge indicted on bribery charges

Israel: Former Jerusalem Mayor Lupolianski sentenced to 6 years prison

Italy: Mafia paid judge €250k bribe to ‘fix’ murder case

Libya: Former prime minister Zeidan returns to Libya amid rising instability

Pakistan: Ex-Deputy Treasurer Amer Ahmad pleads guilty in Pakistan to falsifying documents

United Kingdom: Former PSNI assistant chief constable questioned over alleged corruption

Mozambique: Anti-Corruption Office Confirms Illegal Timber Exports

South Africa: Cosatu Nw and the Corruption Case in the High Court

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