PAPER: Transition to Afghan Control in 2014 - Perspectives from sub-national level in Afghanistan

Integrity Watch Afghanistan (IWA) has published a new research paper, Transition to Afghan Control in 2014 - Perspectives from sub-national level in Afghanistan. According to the paper's introduction:

"The paper attempts to identify the gap between the rhetoric and implementation of transition at the sub - national level and the marginalisation of governance and development in the transition process by both the Govern ment of Afghanistan and the international community. It does so by evaluating the implementation of transition at the sub - national level and calls for the attention of policy makers, donors and actors involved in the management of the transition to Afghan control identifying important gap s that have to be addressed in the process.

"The paper uses both secondary data and first-hand interviews. The interview data is based on a small sample of 25 qualitative interviews which focused on sub-national governance and development during April-May 2013 in three major regional centres of West (Herat), North (Balkh) and East (Nangarhar) Afghanistan, which have all undergone a security transition, with additional interviews in Kabul. Interviewees were sub-national level senior officials, development and governance experts, and staff from international NGOs."

Read or download the paper from the IWA website.

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