Enhancing the UN response to strengthening Transparency, Accountability and Anti-corruption in the EE and CIS region

Corruption and state capture in Europe and Central Asia region still hamper efforts aimed at achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), impacting negatively the quality of life, access to social services, harming the business environment and the effective delivery of the public service. As such, governance and anti-corruption have being increasingly prioritized as one of the top priorities in the National Development Plans across Europe and Central Asia.

With the aim of promoting a coherent and systematic approach in the region towards Transparency, Accountability and Anti-corruption, UNDP, with the support of UNODC, organized the regional training “Integrating Anti-Corruption into the UN Programming Processes”, on June 9-10, in Istanbul, turkey.

The training targeted focal points from twelve countries that are currently undergoing the development of new UN Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAF); these documents will provide guidance for the work of various UN Agencies at the country level during the next five years. Participating countries included: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, FYRO Macedonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan.

The training equipped participants with practical tools and knowledge to integrate anti-corruption analysis, activities and targets in the UNDAFs. This initiative has proved to be instrumental in other regions and countries (Kenya, Madagascar, and Iraq among others) to enhance the country analysis and strategic planning phases of UNDAF, by integrating the anti-corruption perspective as a critical driver in the achievement of development results. UNDP and UNODC will follow up with the different focal points in the EE and CIS region on the opportunities and challenges for the integration of anti-corruption in the UN programming process. 

For more information about this initiative contact: Anga Timilsina ( anga.timilsina@undp.org) and Francesco Checchi ( Francesco.checchi@undp.org)

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