REPORT: Is There a Link Between Digital Media and Good Governance?

Meyers, Mary. Is There a Link Between Digital Media and Good Governance? What the Academics Say - A Report to the Center for International Media Assistance. Washington, DC: Center for International Media Assistance, 19 June 2013.

This study from the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) focuses on academic thinking on good governance and digital media, taken to mean "all the various types of new information and communication technologies such as the Internet, social networking tools such as Facebook and Twitter, blogs, podcasts, SMS [text messages] and mobile phones.... The report is organized into two main parts. The first presents the overarching theory and debate from two opposing standpoints that can be crudely characterized as the techno-optimists versus the techno-pessimists....The second part looks at some empirical research and country case studies by a number of academics from different disciplines; law, political science, and anthropology."

Read the article in Media Development.

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