Bhutan launches new national anti-corruption strategy, e-learning course on ethics & integrity
[Facilitator's note: With deep appreciation to Rinchen Namgay, Corporate Services, Anti-Corruption Commission, Kingdom of Bhutan, for providing this information.]
e-Learning Course on Ethics and Integrity
Her Royal Highness Ashi Sonam Dechan Wangchuck, Honorable President of the Bhutan National Legal Institute, launched an e-Learning course on Ethics and Integrity Management for justices, associate professionals, and parliamentarians on 21 June 2014 at the Royal Institute of Management.
The e-learning course continues the programme launched for civil servants in December 2011. It aims to create wider appreciation for the need to promote ethics and integrity in government. The course is in line with the second strategic objective of the National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strategy 2014-2018 to "Raise Awareness and Foster Integrity Education".
The event brought together some 140 dignitaries representing Ministries, Parliament, Judiciary, Constitutional Office, Armed Forces, Financial Institutions, Autonomous Agencies, Corporations, Local Government, Civil Society Organizations, and private sectors.
In her keynote address, HRH Ashi Sonam Dechan Wangchuck emphasized that a strong and vibrant democracy and strong rule of law and policies, give Bhutan the opportunity to be a leading example to the world. She said it is important for policy makers to understand the causes of corruption and its consequences to the citizens, and reminded them of the need to serve the nation with utmost dedication and sincerity.
“As we have inherited a strong and peaceful country, so shall we hand over to our children,” she said.
Representatives from the Judiciary and the Parliament, which are the implementing agencies, committed to sustain the initiative through the regulatory framework in their respective institutions and strategies.
The Danish International Development Agency generously funded the e-learning program.
National Integrity & Anti-Corruption Strategy (NIACS) 2014-2018
“The government will take full ownership in implementing the second Anti-Corruption Strategy developed by the Anti-Corruption Commission” said the Honorable Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay during the launch of the Bhutan's National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strategy (NIACS) 2014-2018 on 23 June, 2014 at the Banquet Hall, in the capital city Thimphu.
In his keynote address, His Excellency the Prime Minister of Bhutan, emphasized on the need and the importance of strengthening systems and taking ownership in the implementation of the strategy. He highlighted some of the noteworthy activities initiated by the Government:
The Chairperson of the ACC emphasized that leaders must lead by example and set the tone of zero tolerance towards corruption both in word and action. She furthermore reiterated on importance of taking care of administrative lapses by the respective agencies to enable the ACC to focus on larger issues that are of national interest.
The National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strategy 2014-2018 was developed based on the in-depth analyses of implementation progress of the previous strategy ‘National Anti-Corruption Strategy Framework’ (NACS). It provides an effective platform for promoting integrity and anti-corruption measures by strengthening systems and building alliances among public, private and civil society.
The launch was attended by a total of 148 officials representing Ministries, Judiciary, Parliamentarians, Constitutional Post Holders, Armed Forces, Financial Institutions, Autonomous agencies, Corporations, Local Governance, Civil Society Organizations and private sectors attended the program.
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) funded the review of NACS 2009 and the formulation and launching of NIACS.
Bhutan's NIACS 2014-2018 can be accessed online here.
For more information, please contact:
Rinchen Namgay
Corporate Services
Anti-Corruption Commission
Lhadro lam, Kawajangsa
Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel: 334864 (Ext: 134)/17564458; Fax: 334865
Post Box no. 1113
e-Learning Course on Ethics and Integrity
Her Royal Highness Ashi Sonam Dechan Wangchuck, Honorable President of the Bhutan National Legal Institute, launched an e-Learning course on Ethics and Integrity Management for justices, associate professionals, and parliamentarians on 21 June 2014 at the Royal Institute of Management.

The event brought together some 140 dignitaries representing Ministries, Parliament, Judiciary, Constitutional Office, Armed Forces, Financial Institutions, Autonomous Agencies, Corporations, Local Government, Civil Society Organizations, and private sectors.
In her keynote address, HRH Ashi Sonam Dechan Wangchuck emphasized that a strong and vibrant democracy and strong rule of law and policies, give Bhutan the opportunity to be a leading example to the world. She said it is important for policy makers to understand the causes of corruption and its consequences to the citizens, and reminded them of the need to serve the nation with utmost dedication and sincerity.
“As we have inherited a strong and peaceful country, so shall we hand over to our children,” she said.
Representatives from the Judiciary and the Parliament, which are the implementing agencies, committed to sustain the initiative through the regulatory framework in their respective institutions and strategies.
The Danish International Development Agency generously funded the e-learning program.
National Integrity & Anti-Corruption Strategy (NIACS) 2014-2018
“The government will take full ownership in implementing the second Anti-Corruption Strategy developed by the Anti-Corruption Commission” said the Honorable Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay during the launch of the Bhutan's National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strategy (NIACS) 2014-2018 on 23 June, 2014 at the Banquet Hall, in the capital city Thimphu.

- The implementation of NIACS 2014-18 has been integrated into the Government Performance Management System. A specific quarterly meeting on NIACS will be conducted in the Cabinet to monitor and assess its implementation. The Government will also meet the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) quarterly;
- The corruption scenario and the implementation progress of the NIACS 2014-18 will be specifically reported in the State of the Tsa-Wa-Sum Report (Honorable Prime Minister’s state of the nation report to the Parliament);
- The Government will focus on a specific service sector annually. This year, the ACC, Royal Audit Authority and Ministry of Works and Human Settlement will work together to mainstream anti-corruption measures in the construction and procurement sector;
- The Government will set up a specific “Complaint Cell” for administering corruption allegations and reports against the Government including the Cabinet Ministers;
- The Government will provide full support in the prosecution of corruption cases against any public official including the Cabinet Ministers by strengthening the Office of the Attorney General (OAG). The OAG will be required to submit monthly report to the Prime Minister;
- The Government-2-Citizen (G2C) program will now be linked to all government websites and will be placed directly under the supervision of the Prime Minister’s Office to enhance efficiency and transparency;
- The Government together with the ACC will award merits to the anti-corruption champions to support and recognize their effort and hard work in fighting corruption;
- The Government will ensure to declare Conflict of Interest in any kind of activities initiated; and
- The Government will auction gifts received by the Government annually following the existing procedures instituted by the ACC and the fund will be donated to charity organizations.
The Chairperson of the ACC emphasized that leaders must lead by example and set the tone of zero tolerance towards corruption both in word and action. She furthermore reiterated on importance of taking care of administrative lapses by the respective agencies to enable the ACC to focus on larger issues that are of national interest.
The National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strategy 2014-2018 was developed based on the in-depth analyses of implementation progress of the previous strategy ‘National Anti-Corruption Strategy Framework’ (NACS). It provides an effective platform for promoting integrity and anti-corruption measures by strengthening systems and building alliances among public, private and civil society.
The launch was attended by a total of 148 officials representing Ministries, Judiciary, Parliamentarians, Constitutional Post Holders, Armed Forces, Financial Institutions, Autonomous agencies, Corporations, Local Governance, Civil Society Organizations and private sectors attended the program.
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) funded the review of NACS 2009 and the formulation and launching of NIACS.
Bhutan's NIACS 2014-2018 can be accessed online here.
For more information, please contact:
Rinchen Namgay
Corporate Services
Anti-Corruption Commission
Lhadro lam, Kawajangsa
Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel: 334864 (Ext: 134)/17564458; Fax: 334865
Post Box no. 1113