UN Virtual Forum on Resp Biz & Human Rights / (Malaysia) Corporate liability law to come into effect / South Korea: jail term for former President

The United Nations Virtual Forum on Responsible Business and Human Rights: New Challenges, New Approaches. In 2020, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights (UNWG), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), International Labour Organisation (ILO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) have joined forces to provide further stimulus to the responsible business and human rights discourse in Asia and the Pacific. The United Nations Virtual Forum on Responsible Business and Human Rights: New Challenges. New Approaches. will be held on 9-11 June 2020. This year’s forum will be held virtually, thus allowing for a larger and wider audience to participate from around the world. 




(Malaysia) Law allowing companies to be charged with corruption to come into effect June 1. “The (Malaysian) government has decided to go ahead and enforce the corporate liability law come June 1. This would make it an offence for a commercial organisation if any of its employees or allies are found to be involved in corrupt practices for the benefit of the organisation. The Prime Minister's Office said that the government has decided to go ahead with implementing the provision which comes under Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009 after assessing the current situation and taking into consideration various views. Among others, the provision will encourage commercial organisations to take the necessary and suitable measures to ensure that the business that they carry out does not involve in any corrupt activities.” 




South Korea: Prosecutors demand 35-year jail term for former President. South Korean prosecutor on May 20 reportedly demanded a 35-year jail term for former President Park Geun-Hye, who was ousted and later convicted over a sprawling corruption scandal. Park (…) was brought down in 2017 after huge street protest triggered by allegations she and one of her close friend took bribes from top conglomerates for government favours. According to an international media outlet, Park earlier sentenced to 32 years in jail for bribery, abuse of power, election law violations and taking money from South Korea’s spy agency. She is currently being retried in the High Court on the bribery, abuse of power and the spy agency charges, for which is serving a combined 30 years. However, after the Supreme Court ruled that the bribery accusations should have been handled separately, the prosecutors reportedly said that the former president should be jailed for 35 years.” 


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