Indonesia Corruption Watchdog Calls for More Transparency / Getting Ahead of the Curve Report / Thailand Whistleblower Soldier Says he is Ready to Face Trial

(Indonesia) Corruption Watchdog Calls for More Transparency in Pre-Employment Program. Indonesia Corruption Watch, or ICW, says the government should disclose the partnership agreement made between the pre-employment card – the government's flagship unemployment benefits program – and its digital platform partners to make sure the latter are not taking undue advantage from the deal. The pre-employment card – which doubles as a government safety net for people who have lost jobs during the pandemic – provides a monthly stipend and vouchers to be spent on online training courses organized by the digital platforms. According to the ICW, the regulation on the financial compensation for the digital platforms is still unclear. (…) A continued lack of transparency will make it easier for the digital platforms to take undue advantage of the program.” 




Getting Ahead of the Curve: Exploring Post-Covid-19 Trends and Their Impact on Anti-Corruption, Governance and Development (report). “The COVID-19 pandemic has already forced many changes on our world and lives. These changes may be even more consequential when the crisis has ended. (…) Given the gravity and speed of the likely political, economic and social changes in the coming months, it is vital to reflect on the impact of these trends and to consider different potential outcomes that could serve as the basis for scenario planning or forward-looking strategic thinking. Transparency International’s new report, informs the debate in ten key areas of social, political and economic life – from reduced checks and balances to the role of big tech companies in our societies.” 




(Thailand) Whistleblower Soldier Says he is Ready to Face Trial. A soldier who spoke out about the alleged corruption in the army said Tuesday (2 June) he’s willing to face any legal repercussions for his actions. Sgt. Narongchai Intharakawi, an ordnance corps clerk, was accused of deserting his post by the military after he left his unit to lodge a complaint against an alleged fraud in the allowance money. The army soon launched an investigation whether Sgt. Narongchai broke any regulations, but the sergeant said he’s ready for any blowback. 


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