The corporate responsibility facade is finally starting to crumble / (Myanmar) Corruption risk high as military partner lists on stock exchange / Join OGP Local: Call for Expressions of Interest

The corporate responsibility facade is finally starting to crumble (opinion). “Anti-corruption regulation and enforcement have gained astonishing momentum over the past decade. A remarkable global consensus has evolved. International provisions and national laws are increasingly in sync, and regulatory cooperation is increasing year-on-year. But all of this effort is focused on the bribery of government officials. Other forms of corruption—such as influence peddling, nepotism, creative tax avoidance, and regulatory capture—not only remain legal, they have broadly been accepted as the standard corporate playbook.” 




(Myanmar) Corruption risk high as military partner lists on stock exchange, experts say. A new listing on the Yangon Stock Exchange (YSX) Thursday morning risks further funding public corruption and supporting the military’s “ongoing war crimes,” experts and rights group warn. On Thursday, Ever Flow River Group (EFRG) will become the YSX’s sixth publicly-listed company. 




Join OGP Local: Call for Expressions of Interest. Open Government Partnership (OGP) is delighted to announce the expansion of the local program with a planned intake of up to 50 new local governments in OGP Local in 2020. To that end, OGP is launching an Expression of Interest (EOI) for local governments interested in joining the program. Interested applicants must submit their EOI via this form by July 17, 2020. 


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