Rebuilding Global Supply Chains Webinar / Former staff of rehabilitation centre charged / KPK, not police, should investigate university graft case

FairBiz Integrity Hub Webinar Series: After the Pandemic - Rebuilding Global Supply Chains (Webinar). Under the “new normal”, what are the practical measures that multinational companies and investors, business associations, consultants, educators and NGOs can take to support the ASEAN economies and their companies to maintain and enhance their global competitiveness by raising their ethical standards, while at the same time rebuilding their markets and recovering their profitability? Please join the UNDP’s Promoting a Fair Business Environment in ASEAN Project (FairBiz) and the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) for a discussion and Q&A as experts from the region share their vision and insights for the future rebuilding of these economies. 



(Singapore) Former staff member of drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre charged with taking bribes.  “A former Teen Challenge (Singapore) staff member was charged in court on Wednesday (Jun 3) with taking bribes in the form of loans from residents of the rehabilitation centre, in exchange for being lenient with his supervision. The man was a former operations staff member who worked at the halfway house that provides rehabilitation services for prison inmates emplaced on community-based programmes. On Wednesday, he was charged with 18 counts of corruptly obtaining gratification in the form of loans.” 






(Indonesia) KPK, not police, should investigate university graft case, ICW says. “Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) has expressed disapproval over a decision by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to hand over a case of alleged bribery involving a Jakarta State University (UNJ) staff member to the police. The ICW, which has long been monitoring the education sector for corruption, said the KPK should investigate the possibility of either bribery and extortion or illegal levies in the UNJ case. The antigraft group said it believed the KPK could have investigated the case further.” 


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