Mainstreaming anti-corruption / Autonomy in the fight against corruption / (Cambodia) Corruption Not to Blame for Court Backlog

Mainstreaming anti-corruption in pandemic plans and policies. “Countries and peoples need constant reminders of their goals. So, it is crucial that when a government makes a plan for pandemic preparedness and response, it builds in cross-cutting issues such as gender and anti-corruption. These central principles can be easily forgotten if a country finds itself tackling a crisis — such as Covid-19 — in an ad hoc or disorganised manner.” 




Autonomy – not rules – may be the government’s best weapon in the fight against corruption. “Weak procurement systems can lead to high wastefulness and reduce the amount of resources government have for vital expenditures. This column examines the behaviour of 600 procurement officers in Pakistan and finds that the savings realised through giving them greater autonomy were considerably greater than from pay-for-performance incentive schemes, though this result did depend on the relative efficiency of the procurement officers and their monitors. This finding indicates that, counter-intuitively, the appropriate response to inefficiency and corruption may sometimes be less monitoring, not more. 


Katie Parry, Oriana Bandiera, Michael Best, Adnan Khan, Andrea Prat/ Vox: 



(Cambodia) Corruption Not to Blame for Court Backlog, Justice Minister Says. “Justice Minister Keut Rith on Monday said anti-corruption measures were a key part of a plan to reduce the criminal case backlog at the courts, but also said corruption was not the cause of the current case pileup. During a press conference announcing new efforts to speed up the legal process in criminal cases, Rith told reporters that measures established by the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) were the foundation of the campaign.” 

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