Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (6 June 2020): PNG, Tonga, Vanuatu



Former PM supports proposed ICAC legislations. Leader of the People’s National Congress Party, Peter O’Neill has expressed his ongoing support for the proposed Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) legislation.  


Some light ahead of the tunnel against corruption. At long last it is becoming real, decisive action is being taken to address corruption that has enslaved this nation for several decades permeating into all levels of society.  


PNG's Marape dumps O'Neill party from coalition. Last month Mr. O'Neill was arrested and charged with suspicion of misappropriation, abuse of office and official corruption. 





How tiny Tonga achieved independence from UK 50 years ago today. Corruption has been an endemic problem, however, while there have been occasional constitutional problems and many people would like to see more radical political developments. 





On Running for Elections in Vanuatu as a Woman. Therefore, we can’t stop now just because there is still corruption and rampant vote buying in Vanuatu. 





To know more about the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project please contact: 

Annika Wythes, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, UNODC, 


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