Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (27 June 2020): PNG, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati,Vanuatu

COVID-19 – the Pacific response: 24 June. The legislation which replaced it, the National Health Emergency Act 2020, has been criticised this week by anti-corruption agency Transparency International PNG, with critics claiming that it restricts citizens’ rights for an indefinite period with no parliamentary oversight.  



Australia must toughen up as well as step up in Papua New Guinea. Legislation to establish the long-promised, and long-delayed, PNG anti-corruption commission is now very close to becoming a reality.  


PNG parliament speaker resigns from party. The MP for Manus recently acknowledged fraud allegations against him circulating on social media, and told parliament he was willing to step aside if an investigation was conducted into his office. 




FICAC to investigate alleged corruption at Housing Authority. The Fiji Independent Commission against Corruption confirms they have received a complaint in relation to the allegations of corruption at the Housing Authority. 


Transparency and accountability. Today, corruption is rife and can be found almost anywhere – schools, churches, sporting associations, professional groups, unions, businesses, clubs, political parties, communities, universities, right up to government institutions. 


'Witch-hunts' and whistleblowers: University of the South Pacific in crisis. Vice-chancellor Pal Ahluwalia suspended, then reinstated after he alleged widespread financial irregularities 




Culture, constitution and controversy in Samoa. There are long delays in hearings, there have been cases of judicial corruption, and decisions made by judges can be unclear or contradictory. 




Tonga govt reveals deficit busting plan. The opposition also questioned the way the road works were to be carried out, especially the bidding process by private companies for contracts, and how corruption in the process, including favoritism and conflicts of interest, would be prevented. 




Kiribati president says heated election reflects democracy. The geopolitical dynamics made for a heated election campaign amidst allegations of corruption. 




Inigo Philbrick, art world prodigy, is arrested months after fleeing the US in multimillion-pound art scam. Inigo Philbrick, the elusive contemporary art dealer, both youthful and handsome, who disappeared in October last year after being accused of defrauding clients of more than $20 million between 2016 and 2019, was arrested on Thursday 11 June by US law enforcement agents on the Pacific island of Vanuatu, a barely on the map tax haven with a reputation as ‘a sunny place for shady people’ 



To know more about the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project please contact: 

Annika Wythes, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, UNODC, 

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