Protecting young startups during Covid-19 pandemic / UNDP Launches Programme To Help Young Social Entrepreneurs / KPK seeks prison sentence for former sports minister

Protecting young startups during Covid-19 pandemic (opinion). “Engaging young people in advocacy and educational programs that inculcate these values and ways of doing business, at an early stage, has been widely acknowledged as a primary way to bring about change in business culture. UNDP has developed a Business Integrity Toolkit for Young Entrepreneurs, to aid them in developing and sustaining ethical businesses that can survive and thrive, by embracing strong values and principles, as espoused by the UN and the Sustainable Development Goals.” 




UNDP Launches Programme To Help Young Social Entrepreneurs Overcome Challenges Of COVID-19. " “The reality is that the Sustainable Development Goals are unlikely to be attained without also substantially reducing corruption and bribery in all their forms. Across Asia and the Pacific, young entrepreneurs are setting up their businesses for the first time, and we owe it to them to offer a level playing field and a fair business environment that unequivocally rewards hard work and ingenuity”. 




KPK seeks 10 years in prison for former sports minister. “Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutors have demanded that 10 years’ imprisonment be handed down to former youth and sports minister Imam Nahrawi for his alleged involvement in a bribery case pertaining to a grant for the National Sports Council (KONI). Prosecutors claim Imam accepted Rp 11.5 billion (US$840,280) and an additional Rp 8.64 billion from several ministry and KONI officials.” 


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