Daily Corruption News (5 May 2015) - Transparency International

5 May 2015
Today's top story
Global: Grand corruption – the new challenge
Transparency International

A speech on grand corruption by Transparency International Chair José Ugaz, made at an event celebrating the accreditation of National Integrity Action (Jamaica) as a full chapter of Transparency International.

More news
Global: ¿Tráfico de influencias? Acusaciones de corrupción en Brasil salpican a RD (Trafficked influence? Accusations of corruption in Brasil pepper the Dominican Republic)
Noticias Sin (TI mention)
Moldova: Spring again in the Republic of Moldova – mass protest against corruption
Deutsche Welle
Peru: Transparencia propone un pacto contra la corrupción (Transparency proposes a pact against corruption)
La República (TI mention)
Solomon Islands: Public opposition grows over tax-free salaries for Solomon Islands MPs
Radio Australia (TI mention)
US: Prosecutor: ‘We are deadly serious’ about taking down corrupt officials in New York
Washington Post
Uzbekistan: Uzbek official who played role in Karimova case charged with corruption
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Venezuela: In data dark Venezuela, facts are in short supply
Miami Herald

Blogs and opinion
Global: Past comes back to haunt Latin American leaders
Financial Times
Global: The transparency trap
Politico Europe (TI mention)

News from Transparency International
Global photo competition: Capturing corruption
On the blog: Know your contractors: Transparency ownership reduces corruption

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