[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: Are Anticorruption Parties Doomed to Fail?: Purity, Pragmatism, and Reflections on India’s AAP

“Alas, although the AAP [India’s anti-corruption party] has been getting a lot of attention in its first few months in office, it’s not for the reasons that I (or most of the AAP’s supporters) had hoped: the party has been consumed by infighting, allegations of dirty politics, and a general perception of dysfunction. And while the AAP’s struggles have been particularly dispiriting, it turns out that the general pattern is not that unusual: many anticorruption parties (ACPs), or parties with primary anticorruption platforms, have emerged all around the world in the last decade or two; these parties often gain power through strong rhetoric and popular support, but very quickly stumble, splinter, and often fail to make any real headway.”

Read the post by Anusha Pamula, in the Global Anticorruption Blog. http://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2015/05/21/are-anticorruption-parties-doomed-to-fail-purity-pragmatism-and-reflections-on-indias-aap/

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