[ap-intact] INFO: Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (7 May 2015) – Solomon Islands, PNG, Fiji
[Facilitator’s note: Thank you to
Annika Wythes, Luisa Senibulu, and Samita Singh of the joint UNDP-UNODC Pacific
Regional Anti-Corruption Project for sharing these updates.]
Solomon Islands: Public Backlash Grows Against Tax
Free MP Salaries. There has been a growing backlash against moves in
Solomon Islands to offer tax-free salaries to federal members of parliament. http://pidp.eastwestcenter.org/pireport/2015/May/05-05-05.htm
PNG: MP Knight dismissed. Papua New Guinea
MP Ronnie Knight has been dismissed from office for misspending public money.
PNG: Restructure must be transparent, says think
tank. Papua New Guinea’s Institute of National Affairs, a private think tank,
says a new structure for state owned businesses must be transparent and employ
the best talent. http://www.radionz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/272925/png-restructure-must-be-transparent-ina
Fiji: Witness accused as a liar and cunning person
in the $3M alleged scam trial. The first witness for the Fiji Independent
Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) was accused as a liar and cunning person
in the trial for five people charged in relation to an alleged scam involving
more than three million dollars. http://fijivillage.com/news-feature/Witness-accused-as-a-liar-and-cunning-person-in-the-3M-alleged-scam-trial-kr592s
Fiji: Any review would be inclusive, says Media Industry Development
Authority. Fiji's media authority chief says any review of the country's media laws
should first involve discussions with all the stakeholders in Fiji. http://www.radionz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/272874/fiji%27s-mida-any-review-would-be-inclusive