[ap-intact] PUBLICATION: Anti-Corruption - Implementing Curriculum Change in Management Education

[Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Anga Timilsina, Programme Manager, UNDP’s Global Anti-corruption Initiative (GAIN), Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, for sharing this information.]

Anti-Corruption - Implementing Curriculum Change in Management Education

By Wolfgang Amann, Ronald Berenbeim, Tay Keong Tan, Matthias Kleinhempel, Alfred Lewis, Ruth Nieffer, Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, and Shiv Tripathi

Stylus/Greenleaf Publishing, to be available July 2015

192 pages

From the publisher’s description:

“Anti-Corruption - Implementing Curriculum Change in Management Education provides resources for building trust through the implementation of comprehensive guidelines on how to professionalize ethics and anti-corruption education worldwide in a variety of classroom settings. It is written and tested by highly experienced program directors, deans and professors, in how to adopt, adapt and develop best teaching practice. It highlights successful patterns, details illustrative case studies and offers clear, hands-on recommendations.”

[Additional note from the Facilitator: Please do not send queries about this book to AP-INTACT. AP-INTACT shares the above information as a service to its members. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC), which facilitate the AP-INTACT network, have not reviewed this book and do not necessarily endorse its contents. For more information about this book, please contact Jennifer Smith, Marketing Manager, Stylus Publishing (jennifer@styluspub.com]) or visit https://gre.presswarehouse.com/Books/BookDetail.aspx?productID=460648.]

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