[ap-intact] INFO: Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (23 May 2015) – Samoa, Fiji, Solomon Islands, PNG

[Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Annika Wythes, Luisa Senibulu, and Samita Singh of the joint UNDP-UNODC Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project for sharing these updates.]

Samoa: Memo to tackle ‘fraud, corruption’.The Office of the Attorney General and the Samoa Audit Office have entered a Memorandum of Understanding to tackle fraudulent activities and corruption. http://www.samoaobserver.ws/home/headlines/13630-memo-to-tackle-fraud-corruption

Fiji: FICAC investigating Fiji Corrections Service. Attorney General, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum has today confirmed that some operational matters in the Fiji Corrections Service are currently under investigation. http://fijivillage.com/news/FICAC-investigating-Fiji-Corrections-Service---AG-r59ks2/

Fiji: Probe on officials. A number of officials at the Ministry of Health in Lautoka are being investigated by the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption. http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?id=306448
Fiji: Call for limits on mining extraction. A Fiji opposition MP says a law should be put in place to limit the amount of bauxite that can be shipped out of the country. http://www.radionz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/274086/call-for-limits-on-mining-extraction-in-fiji

Fiji: Opposition question AGs role in committee. The opposition in Fiji don't think the Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum should be part of a committee which is deliberating over a complaint that he raised. http://www.radionz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/274102/fiji-opposition-question-ags-role-in-committee

Solomon Islands: OAG is up to standard, says Cohen. Acting Auditor General has dismissed an Island Sun front page story yesterday that claimed the Office of the Auditor General is not up to standard. http://www.solomonstarnews.com/news/national/6979-oag-is-up-to-standard-says-cohen

Solomon Islands: TSI legal team to visit Gizo. A team from the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC) under Transparency Solomon Islands will be visiting Gizo in Western Province next week. http://www.solomonstarnews.com/news/national/6980-tsi-legal-team-to-visit-gizo
Solomon Islands: Induction program will make MPs becomes better. Prime Minister (PM) Manasseh Sogavare has reiterated during the opening of the Members of Parliament’s (MP) induction program that MPs will become better in their performance after going through series of their induction session. http://www.solomonstarnews.com/news/national/6993-pm-induction-program-will-make-mps-becomes-better

PNG: Court refuses MPs request for review. Papua New Guinea's National Court has refused a government minister's request for a review of the Ombudsman Commission's decision to refer him to the Public Prosecutor. http://www.radionz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/274307/png-court-refuses-mps-request-for-review

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