[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: Good Governance in Sri Lanka

“The current government in Sri Lanka was elected into office came under the banner of good governance (yahapalayanaya) and anti-corruption. Upon assuming duties, the new Minister of Finance, Ravi Karunanayke declared that his government was not looking at just ‘minimising corruption but at eliminating it fully.’ He further elaborated that ‘Corrupt officials will be severely dealt with irrespective of their political affiliation and status...We criticised the Rajapaksa regime while in the opposition and now it is our turn to practice what we preached.’ Is this what is happening in Sri Lanka today?”

Read the op-ed by Asoka Bandarage, author, Colonialism in Sri Lanka, The Separatist Conflict in Sri Lanka and many other publications, in Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/asoka-bandarage/good-governance-in-sri-lanka_b_7087768.html

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