Transparency Index review / Indonesia forestry network / Nepal COVID corruption

Collaborative Review Opportunity - ERCAS Transparency Index.  We would like to ask you for support in reviewing the T-index, a de facto measurement of government transparency across 120 countries. To enable peer review, we have made our dataset public and are kindly asking you to take a look at your country/region of expertise and assess if any of the recorded scores does not correspond to the knowledge you have about it. In that case, please make the adequate changes to the dataset (link below). 

Francesco Bono / European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State-Building (ERCAS):

Thank you to Prof. Dr. Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and Débora Araújo, ERCAS, for sharing this opportunity.


Corrupt networks in the Indonesian forestry sector (Blog/Research). “The [Social Network Analysis] case study of Pelalawan [in Indonesia] illustrates how corrupt networks reflect the wider organisation of political and economic power within a society and a sector. Analysing a corrupt network in this context is a first step towards understanding its resilience as well as the potential pathways for disrupting its activities.”

Jacqui Baker/U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre:


How govt officials are looting the Covid coffers (Explainer).  “[Narayan Adhikari, Accountability Lab’s Nepal country director] who has been tracking the money spent on the current crisis, added that officials at the federal level responsible for handling Covid-19 response measures have been abusing their authority while awarding contracts to people they know.”

Bhadra Sharma/The Record:

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