India godmen loophole / Godmen-politicians alliance / Indonesia overseas fugitive

Godmen or Conmen? How India’s Religious Trust Laws Facilitate Money Laundering Empires (Blog).  “One of the most common functions that godmen [charismatic religious leaders] perform in the illicit economy is the conversion of so-called “black money”…into “white money”…in exchange for a hefty fee. Godmen are able to get away with this due to unfortunate features of India’s religious trust laws, which are opaque and riddled with loopholes, and leave religious trusts largely unchecked and unsupervised.”

Disha Verma/The Global Anticorruption Blog:


Unholy Alliance: How and Why India’s Politicians Protect India’s Corrupt Godmen (Blog).  “The politicians provide the godmen with political favors, special privileges...[and] the preservation of the system of legal loopholes and minimal oversight that enables the godmen to amass their fortunes. In return, godmen provide politicians with…services [such as]…[using] their religious trusts to facilitate illegal campaign financing…[laundering] money stolen while in office…[offering] politicians captive vote banks”

Disha Verma/The Global Anticorruption Blog:


Indonesia brings graft fugitive Djoko Tjandra back from Malaysia.  “The National Police have brought Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra, a fugitive and graft convict [for his involvement in the high-profile Bank Bali corruption case] who had been on the run for 11 years, back to Indonesia after arresting him in Malaysia”

Moch. Fiqih Prawira Adjie and Dyaning Pangestika/The Jakarta Post:

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