Malaysia business integrity / Indonesia new regulation / Anti-corruption and climate action

Activist calls for integrity unit to fight business corruption.  “An Integrity and Governance Unit should be set up to combat corruption and other malpractices in the private sector…to improve existing policies and systems, and monitor enforcement and awareness programmes, said Akhbar Satar (the president of the Malaysia Association of Certified Fraud Examiners).”

Free Malaysia Today:  


Deterring corruption (Editorial). With the Indonesian Supreme Court Regulation No.1/2020 stipulating that corruption convicts inflicting at least Rp 100 billion (US$6.88 million) in losses to the tate can be sentenced to life, “the public now has a strong basis for filing reports with the Judicial Commission against judges who they think have defied a sense of justice in handling a graft case”

The Jakarta Post:


Strong Institutions Are Essential for Effective Climate Action.  “Climate action and sustainable development need strong and functioning institutions in order to be effective…[and] institutions need a coordinated approach to tackling corruption to prevent climate action from being undermined.”

UN Climate Change:

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