Malaysia private sector / Indonesia life sentence / Southeast Asia startup ecosystem

Fighting private sector corruption (Opinion).  “The [Malaysian] Association of Certified Fraud Examiner (ACFE), in its Report to Nations 2020, stated that any corporates that did not practise a culture of anti-corruption and integrity could suffer losses of up to 5% of their profits.”

Seri Akhbar Satar/The Star:


Supreme Court Encourages Judges to Deliver Life Sentence in Major Graft Cases.  “The [Indonesian] Supreme Court has issued a regulation encouraging judges to deliver a life sentence against any graft convict who has inflicted a loss of more than Rp 100 billion [approx.  US$6.9 mil] to the state.

Fana Suparman/Jakarta Globe:


Southeast Asia and Latin America’s startup ecosystems are more similar than you think (Blog).  “Southeast Asia and Latin America still face complex challenges like logistics, security, financial inclusion, corruption, and pollution, that traditional players have not yet solved. These similarities show why Chinese and Japanese investors are becoming more interested in Latin American companies, many of which are local versions of successful Asian startups.”

Nathan Lustig/The Next Web:

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