Malaysia business advice / Corruption and deadly accidents / IACA Summer Academy

Ask ministers to put instructions in writing, says anti-graft body.  “A governance and anti-corruption watchdog has advised heads of companies to safeguard themselves against any unethical instructions from ministers…“If it is wrong, please inform the minister to put it in writing and that you will take it to the board of directors,” he said, referring to Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (Amendment) Act 2018.””

Minderjeet Kaur/Free Malaysia Today:


Corruption and Deadly Accidents (Blog).  “there are at least two channels through which corruption can increase the likelihood and magnitude of deadly accidents: First, there’s what I’ll call the “direct” channel—parties may use corrupt means to induce regulators to fail to adopt, or fail to enforce, appropriate safety regulations… Second, though, there’s also an “indirect” channel through which corruption can increase the risk of deadly accidents. Corruption can lead to a general degradation in government capacity.”

Matthew Stephenson/The Global Anticorruption Blog:


IACA Summer Academy Online (Training). There are still a few places left for the “intensive, interdiscipilinary programme that addresses trends and practices on the global anti-corruption agenda” running from 5-11 September 2020, which targets “professionals from around the world, with a minimum of five years of relevant work experience”.

International Anti-Corruption Academy:

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