Myanmar construction sector / Afghanistan virtual training / Thailand budget approval

State Counsellor promises to continue support construction sector.  “U Barat Singh, Deputy Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, met with the Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs Association to discuss a new tender system for the construction sector that is both fair and transparent. “The current system lacks transparency and corruption exists in the form of bribes and other means,” said U Tun Tun, a representative from the association who attended the meeting”

Yee Ywal Myint/Myanmar Times:  


UNDP continues to train virtually with COVID-19 precautions.  “UNDP Afghanistan provided a 3-day virtual training…for judges and prosecutors of the Afghanistan Anti-Corruption Justice Centre (ACJC) to strengthen their capacity to address corruption cases…on the topic of “Expert Witness and Expert Evidence””

UNDP in Afghanistan:


Probe into sub-panel 'graft' on cards.  “Mr Sira [Jenjaka, the chairman of the House committee on laws, justice and human rights] said he will call for a committee vote on…whether a probe should be conducted into the allegations the MPs demanded a bribe of 5 million baht [approx. US$160,000] in return for passing a budget allocation earmarked for a groundwater pump project.”

Bangkok Post:  

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