FCPA intermediaries risk / Bangladesh health sector / Afghanistan financial institutions

At Large: Are agents ever ‘legal’ under the FCPA? (Blog).  “There may be times and places when agents serve an important purpose. But anyone looking at the FCPA corporate enforcement record can see that intermediaries bring with them alarming compliance risks.”

Richard L. Cassin/The FCPA Blog: https://fcpablog.com/2020/08/06/at-large-are-agents-ever-legal-under-the-fcpa/  


Accountability, strict monitoring imperative to fight corruption in health sector “[Lawyer and environmental Syeda Rezwana Hasan] suggested a civil society platform be formed to act as a watchdog for curbing irregularities in the health sector, thus, improving its treatment facilities.”

Dhaka Tribune: https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/08/08/accountability-strict-monitoring-imperative-to-fight-corruption-in-health-sector


‘Corruption reaches new high in Afghan govt’s financial institutions’.  “In the area of implementing the law, the Anti-Corruption Criminal Justice Center has failed to apply its commitments to combat corruption,” said Maiwand Rouhani, the head of the secretariat of the Independent Joint Anti-Corruption Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (MEC).”

South Asia Monitor: https://southasiamonitor.org/afghanistan/corruption-reaches-new-high-afghan-govts-financial-institutions

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