Indonesia SOE compliance / Thailand asset declaration / Sri Lanka political alternative

Corporate compliance key to corruption prevention (Opinion).  The upholding of corporate compliance serves as a sign that state losses will not be considered a criminal act of corruption. Meanwhile, a breach of corporate compliance serves as a red flag, based on which a court is likely to rule that state losses are criminal acts of corruption.

Sechabudin and Imelda Napitupulu/The Jakarta Post


NACC panel looks to make listing assets more transparent.  Thailand’s National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has formed a panel to improve its asset declaration form to improve transparency, the commission's secretary-general Worawit Sukboon says, indicating that the form needs to be revised to address several concerns raised by people required to submit their assets and liabilities, as well as complaints by critics in the wake of a luxury watch controversy.

Bangkok Post:


Making Political Alternative meaningful and Relevant to Masses (Opinion).  “Many functions that can be easily and more fruitfully carried out at local and provincial levels remain with the central government. The result is a top heavy administration that controls much of the country’s public finances and other resources, often leading to wastage, corruption and inefficiency.”

Siri Hettige/Daily Mirror:

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