India port sector / Myanmar forestry SOE / Philippines SEC commended

Mumbai the first target for programme to tackle corruption in India's ports.  The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) and the Indian government have linked up to tackle corruption in the country’s port sector, with a pilot scheme in the Mumbai gateway running until October.

Gavin van Marle/The Load Star:


Loopholes in Myanmar’s Forest Sector Cost Govt Million in Revenue (Interview-based).  “The government should focus on SOE law reform. Only [it] can control and give direction to the SOEs, define what their roles and responsibilities are and require them to disclose crucial information. SOEs are vital to our country, because they provide 50 percent of the government budget,” says Daw Khin Saw Ktay, a policy analyst at Forest Trends.

Nan Lwin/The Irrawaddy:


CoA affirms SEC fight against corruption.  “The [Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission] has consistently ranked among the sincerest institutions in fighting corruption, per surveys conducted by the Social Weather Stations with support from the Integrity for Investments Initiative, funding from the United States Agency for International Development and in partnership with the National Competitiveness Council and The Asia Foundation.”

Sam Mamudi/Bloomberg:

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