Future is Asian / Thailand cabinet task / India plane procurement

The Future is Asian, but Corruption Keeps it Mired in the Past (Blog).  “These are my four takeaways…:1) Transparency and access to information can disrupt the status quo…2) Tech solutions need to transition out from the experimental phase…3) Fast-track digitalization and e-governance solutions to eliminate red tape and optimize service delivery…4) Promote the engagement of the private sector as a critical driver of change.”

Diana Torres/United Nations Development Programmehttps://medium.com/@UNDPasiapac/the-future-is-asian-but-corruption-keeps-it-mired-in-the-past-17b5f2dc659e 


Poll: Ending corruption should be cabinet priority.  “Asked what political problems [Thais] want the new cabinet to tackle, 56.3% mentioned corruption in spending on various projects; 33.9% want it to avoid persecution and smear campaigns; 25.9% said it should quickly bring about reforms to make politics truly democratic; 17.1% want individual ministries to produce concrete achievements, and 14.4% said it should not resort to use of dictatorial power.”

Bangkok Post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/1712368/poll-ending-corruption-should-be-cabinet-priority


IAF drops plans to buy more Pilatus planes amid CBI probe.  The Indian Air Force has decided to abandon plans to buy 38 more Pilatus PC-7 MkII planes from Switzerland and, instead, launched a fresh global hunt for basic trainers at a time when the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is probing an earlier deal with the Swiss plane maker for 75 aircraft, for alleged corruption and irregularities, two senior officials said on condition of anonymity.

Rahul Singh/Hindustan Times: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/iaf-drops-plans-to-buy-more-pilatus-planes-amid-cbi-probe/story-o7n826VS83ZvA2cHPIlivJ.html

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